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Critical Bench Review – Is Mike Westerdal Bench Press Program Good?

Increase Your Bench Press Ability To Not Only Gain Muscle But Awesome Strength As Well…. Mmmm – Can It Really Be The Case?

When it boils down to it, we all want to sport mega-muscle, get ripped and increase our strength. But when Mike Westerdal says that increasing your bench press is the one critical bench review Critical Bench Review   Is Mike Westerdal Bench Press Program Good?most important exercise for doing this then you’ll excuse us when we look at his latest offering with one raised eyebrow.

But, Mr. Westerdal certainly knows his stuff, so we decided to put our cynicism firmly to one side and take a good look at what the Critical Bench program really has to offer.

It makes for interesting reading…

What do you get for your money?
So, whatever your reasons for weight lifting – it might be that you want to turn head and make people marvel at your physique as you pass by. Perhaps you want your buddies to be amazed at the amount of weight you can bench press, or maybe you need to become stronger and more powerful for whatever sport you compete at.

It doesn’t matter what the motivation is, what matters is results. And Critical Bench will provide you with exactly the education and motivation you need to skyrocket both your strength gains and muscle gains.

It does this by providing you with the following:

  • Train Without Over-Training: Because one of the biggest mistakes we all make when lifting weights is by doing too much for too long, and is the #1 mistake made by weight lifters at all levels. Your muscles grow while resting, not while training!
  • The Importance of Warm-Ups and Stretching: One of the most overlooked and perhaps snubbed part of any training regime. The warm-ups provided in Critical Bench mean a massively lesser chance of shoulder injuries, stresses and strains that prevent many from reaching their bench press targets.
  • Variation Equals More Muscle: Keep your body guessing by varying your workouts. Only by doing this will you see the biggest and strongest muscle gains.
  • Mindset for Bench Press: Without the correct way of thinking you’ll never press the weights you desire. Because the bench press is a very “mental” lift, Critical Bench will show you exactly the methods to get the necessary mindset to allow you to press more than you ever believed possible.
  • Technique, Technique, Technique: Discover the exact way to bench press – because the right form and action has a massive effect on the amount of weight you can realistically press.
  • Lifestyle, Motivation, Supplementation and Target Training: Because all of this and more directly effects exactly how much you can press, muscle and strength gains and a whole load more…

>>Click Here To Get Critical Bench<<

Who is it for?
Well, many people might consider that the Critical Bench program is only for weight lifters. And while it’s true that this might well be the first target group it’s aimed at, there are also a whole bunch of other people who can benefit from it. Any sports person – no matter whether you take part in a strength or endurance sport – can always improve their performance by increasing their muscle power.

And it works just as well for the ladies as it does for the men. Many women fail to realize quite how large a muscle group the chest is. So by increasing your bench press ability, you’ll automatically increase other areas of the body as well.

Who is Mike Westerdal?
mike westerdal 300x286 Critical Bench Review   Is Mike Westerdal Bench Press Program Good?Mike is a former football player, now turned weight lifter and personal performance coach. He has a list of famous names as clients who he’s helped hone their bodies into incredible shape, and you only need to take a look at the physique of Mr. Westerdal himself to see that this guy knows exactly what he’s talking about.

Extremely well educated in the science of how the body works, Mike also continues to improve his own knowledge. After all, as technology and the understanding of the body continues, so those who work in this field need to keep up to date to continue to provide the very best of advice.

>>Click Here To Get Critical Bench<<

The Pros

  • The Critical Bench program is celebrating its 10 year anniversary (that’s how successful it is). This is the very first time that you’ve been able to purchase every one of the 80 individual training logs at one time and for one low price.
  • Even for those who’ve seen the program before, Critical Bench now contains a whole bundle of new information that anyone who seriously wants to improve needs to know.
  • The Master Manual is the crux of the program and is easy and straightforward to understand. Here you’ll learn exactly how to exercise, the training parameters, motivation and lots, lots more. And it’s simple and interesting to read and follow.
  • Following the Critical Bench program can realistically see you managing to up your bench press by a massive 50 lbs. in weight, or even more…
  • The program is covered by a comforting, 100%, no-quibble money back guarantee. So if you’re not, for any reason, completely satisfied with the program, you simply send Mike an email to receive 100% of your money back – no questions asked…

>>Click Here To Get Critical Bench<<

The Cons

  • So – there always has to be a downside to any program. And perhaps in this case it’s that there’s not a whole bunch of nutritional information included in Critical Bench. But hey – Mike probably considers that most people who’ve got to this stage in their training more than likely know a little about how important nutrition is anyway. After all, you have to take some responsibility for your own training…
  • Because Critical Bench works so fast, and has such incredible results, you might well find yourself accused by other – less knowledgeable – folks, that you’re using certain artificial ways of improving your ability and physique. But then, you can either choose to share your secret, or just smile knowingly and continue to improve whilst all they can do is eat your dust… [wplapdance name=”criticalbench”]

The Bottom Line
Well, we owe Mike Westerdal a big apology for even daring to doubt that Critical Bench wasn’t going to be all it’s cracked up. Because this is certainly one program that will see you getting those incredible results you want and need.

Simple to follow, easy to understand and providing you with an improvement curve that’s nothing short of miraculous, Critical Bench – the 10 year anniversary – is not only on sale but contains a whole bunch of never before included information. It gets a whole-hearted thumbs up from us, that’s for sure. Thanks, Mike – you rock…!

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