As men, we dream of a body that is chiseled and built to perfection. We want pecs, six pack abs to die for, biceps and triceps like Popeye and huge legs to carry it all. In order to achieve this, we spend countless hours in the gym, drink various complicated pre- and post-workout protein shakes, adapt our diet so all we eat is lean chicken and salad and we take a range of dietary supplements. However, we still don’t seem to really get the results that we so crave. It is for this reason that so many men still turn to steroids in order to build their muscle mass up. However, this is illegal, bad for our bodies and, quite frankly, cheating. I personally did not want to turn to this at all. Instead, I wanted to try something different, I wanted an approach that I hadn’t tried before. I came across Vince Del Monte’s Maximize Your Muscle package, a digital product that claims to be able to help me build that buffed body I was trying to achieve. The before and after pictures looked promising and the fact that the program comes with a 60 day full money back guarantee sealed the deal for me and I decided to give it a try.
What Is Maximize Your Muscle?
Maximize Your Muscle is a program that helps you achieve your anabolic targets. It ensures you do everything you need to help you grow your muscles. This includes the well-known targets (metabolic stress, muscle damage and muscle tension for instance), but also a further nine targets that are not as well-known. The program, which is fully digital, includes highly specific training routines, which have different intensities, volumes, densities and frequencies. These have to be done for a full year, which is a system of periodization. Sports scientists across the world have explained that this is the way to make training really effective. This is because muscles have different amounts of stress, allowing them to grow the quickest way properly. Vince Del Monte has been able to pack a quick start guide for these targets in just a 28 day period, which means anybody can start to build that body they so crave.
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What Do You Get with the Package?
The package includes everything you need to start working on your 12 anabolic targets in a way that is easy to understand. For the price of just $7, you will receive:
- The 28 day training package, which is everything you need to get you started towards building that amazing buff body.
- An additional four short workouts that will help you boost your growth even more.
- Seven mass moves that most people have forgotten about but deliver amazing results.
- All the knowledge you need about cumulative muscle fatigue, meaning you will learn to train better, rather than harder.
- The 12 anabolic targets.
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The 12 Anabolic Targets
The real focus of this program is on the 12 anabolic targets. This is what really sets this program apart from all the other ones available on the market today. But just what are these targets? Naturally, I won’t be able to give everything away in a review, that would be cheating, but I can tell you what they are about. Essentially, they are 12 different ways to target all the muscles in your body. They teach you how to involve the actual fibers of your muscle in a workout. They teach you, as well, how you can use the various energy systems that exist in your body in order to really see a difference in your muscle growth. If you employ each of these 12 targets in your workout, the results should be mind-boggling. It is thanks to these that you will break through the dreaded muscle building plateau and it is able to work around your genetics as well.
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What I Liked about Maximize Your Muscle
The program focuses on all 12 anabolic targets, rather than just one or two like most other muscle building programs.
- All the exercises and information are based on scientific evidence.
- There’s no need for heavy weights or to spend every waking hour in the gym.
- The program is designed to build that body we all so crave, the body that will give us the confidence to go out in the world, find a partner, love our life and more.
- Although the program is geared towards men, women are also able to use it.
- The program is incredibly affordable at just $7.
- It comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee, whether you don’t like the results or the service you receive.
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What I Didn’t Like about Maximize Your Muscle
- I personally don’t like that the program is only available in digital format. This is a personal issue, because I also understand that it means you receive instant access and that you don’t ruin the planet by requesting paper copies. However, I would gladly pay a little bit more so I can have a paper copy to take with me to the gym. I guess I can just print them instead.
- I found the before and after pictures a bit hard to swallow. Are they real? I know they got great results but are the pictures touched up? As such, I would have liked to see more testimonials provided on the website itself. On the other hand, considering the 60 day money back guarantee, you can just return the program if you don’t like your results.
- It focuses strongly on workout. I wish there was a solid customized meal plan with it.
The Verdict
I found that Vince Del Monte’s Maximize Your Muscle really offers something different from the norm. I have been learning about the anabolic targets and did find that other programs on the market only work with two or three of these targets, rather than all of them. Through this program, however, all 12 are reached, which means results come from a synergy in what we actually do in the gym and during the day. I strongly recommend this program to anybody who wants to build a body to die for.
>>Click Here To Get Maximize Your Muscle Now<<
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