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Don’t Let Muscle Soreness Kill Your Motivation- Learn How to Alleviate the Pain

Muscle soreness is a very common complaint for people who are just starting a new weight resistance or exercise routine, and for people who are taking their current training to the next level. It is normal, and unfortunately also common, to experience mild soreness when increasing the amount of weight you are lifting, or the amount of time you are exercising. For many, the initial ‘growing pains’ when building muscles is too much to handle- a new study from New Zealand shows there may be a natural, and delicious alternative to suffering through muscle soreness.


Muscle soreness after working out is a common problem – and it can make it a real challenge to get around for a few days. It’s not uncommon to feel a little achy when you first start working out or when you’ve pushed yourself harder than usual. No one knows exactly what causes muscle soreness after exercise, but the consensus is that it comes from micro-tears in the muscles due to overuse. When these tiny muscle tears occur, it leads to inflammation and swelling – along with pain and stiffness that can last up to a week.

5015254233 4f10daac48 m Don’t Let Muscle Soreness Kill Your Motivation  Learn How to Alleviate the PainIs there any way to prevent soreness after working out, or at least, make it more bearable? A new study out of New Zealand shows that blueberries help to reduce damage to muscle fibers that comes from too much exercise. Researchers exposed stressed skeletal muscle fibers to extracts from a variety of fruits – including blueberries.

They found that when muscle fibers were exposed to blueberry extract they didn’t experience the same oxidative stress and muscle damage that’s normally seen with intense exercise. The response was dose dependent. The more blueberry extract the muscle fibers were exposed to, the less damage they sustained. In other words – the more blueberries – the better.

Why would blueberries reduce muscle damage and, possibly, soreness after a workout? Blueberries are a good source of polyphenols – natural chemicals that have antioxidant activity. Since overstressed muscles generate free radicals, exposing the muscle cells to polyphenols reduces the amount of damage they sustain – which decreases inflammation and after workout soreness.

Of course, this experiment was done on muscle cells in the laboratory – not live humans. More research is needed to see if the same effect occurs in the human body and how much blueberry extract is needed to offset this damage. Some small studies show that the polyphenols found in other fruits such as the pomegranate reduce muscle soreness after exercise and allow greater recovery of muscle strength after resistance training.

The bottom line? If you do a tough workout, start the morning with a bowl of blueberries. They may help to reduce muscle damage, while offering other health benefits as well. Look for these versatile and nutritious berries the next time you’re at the Farmer’s market.


About eight hours after a new workout, or increased intensity in existing routines, many people will develop soreness in the muscles that can last for days. This is the cause
of the expression “no pain, no gain”. Muscle soreness is a necessary part of the process of improving one’s endurance, strength, and speed. If you never increase your reps, the amount of weight you are lifting, or the amount of time you spend exercising, you will not be sore afterwards, but you will also never move up to the next level. The burn you feel in your muscles is a sign that they have been stretched and pushed close to their limits- meaning, once they are healed, they will be better developed and able to handle more.

If you are looking for an alternative to pain medications, and can’t get seem to pick a side between ice and heat- try blueberries to relieve soreness in your muscles. In order to keep the muscles in a constant state of improvement, you must get back to it once the muscle has had time to heal (usually a day break is more than enough time to allow proper healing of the muscles). The problem is, the muscles may be on their way to healing, but the pain will linger for a few days.

Pain killers may be effective for some people, but the relief comes at a cost. Even seemingly non-threatening OTC (over the counter) pain relievers can cause liver complications, ulcers, and cancer. The health risks increase with frequency of use- and if you are dependent on them to relieve pains from a workout, chances are, you are a pretty frequent user.
A new way to find relief is very promising for those looking for a safer way to relieve muscle soreness after a workout. Laboratory tests have shown that when muscle fibers were exposed to blueberry extract, damage was greatly reduced. The more blueberry extract used, the better the results- so if you’re going to try this method, the more the better.

Other Benefits of Blueberries Include:

• Antioxidant Properties
• Anti-Aging by Neutralizing Free Radicals
• Reducing Belly Fat
• Promotion of Kidney Function and Urinary Tract Health
• Helps to Prevent Heart Disease
• Improves Brain Function
• Preserves Vision
• Fights Cancer
• Improves Digestion
• Promotes Mood and Reduces Depression

With the vast benefits of blueberries to your health, could it hurt to try adding them in to your diet? Will you be trying blueberries before your workout routine to reduce the occurrence and severity of muscle soreness?

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