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Start Designing Your Olympic Workout and Go For the Gold!

Did the Olympic ceremony and weekend coverage make you realize that you aren’t living up to your potential as an athlete? Don’t feel bad, this is what these folks do for a living, but you can get the look and the fitness by following the routines below!


July 28: Swimming events get under way

As Michael Phelps swims for his 17th Olympic medal, jump in the pool as if you’re fighting for a medal of your own. Always begin with an easy 2770734688 15cc34e9f9 m Start Designing Your Olympic Workout and Go For the Gold! warm-up of two laps at low-intensity. But then increase the tempo, and do four lengths each of freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke to work all of your major muscle groups. Repeat this cycle for 30 minutes for a low-impact cardio workout. Swimming is on all week, so if you like this workout, try it more than once. (Calories burned: 212)


Our take…

Swimming didn’t use to seem that interesting, not to us at least (no offense swimmers) until Mr. Phelps blew everyone’s minds at the Olympics. Michael Phelps really made us realize that swimming is not for the weak! So, what do you need to do to beat the fish next time you go to the lake? Warm up with low intensity laps and then increase your effort each lap. Do four lengths of ‘freestyle’ swimming and incorporate backstroke with breaststroke to hit all of your muscle groups. Keep it up for half an hour and burn over 200 calories while carving out some lean muscle!


July 29: Cycling, Women’s Road Race

After watching the women dash across the finish line Sunday morning, hop on your bike and try a road race of your own. “Find a path or trail 125413767 41fb38f625 m Start Designing Your Olympic Workout and Go For the Gold! that has some elevation changes. This is going to force you to come up and down from your seat, as opposed to just a leisure flat-level cruise,” Soster said. You can use your car to plot out a 10-mile ride ahead of time. (Calories burned: 292)


Our take…

While biking, chose a diverse course with ever changing terrain to hit different muscle groups and increase your cardio impact. Burn almost 300 calories in 10 miles (don’t worry, that’s not really that far on a bike).


Aug. 2: Women’s Gymnastics, Individual All-Around

We can’t all be gymnastic superstars like Gabrielle Douglas and Jordyn Wieber, but we can learn a thing or two from these athletes — mainly, the importance of flexibility, Soster said.

Not only does stretching reduce your risk of injury, but it can also improve your workout by increasing the range of motion in your joints. So351684037 a1e20f2f07 m Start Designing Your Olympic Workout and Go For the Gold! instead of lounging while you watch the Women’s All-Around today, add some stretching to your couch time.

The area people are most tight is in the hips, Soster said.

“A tight hip flexor muscle can create issues from low back pain and hernias, to immobility and proximal joint disorders,” he said. (The hip flexor muscle is found directly under your front pants pocket.)
The best way to stretch this muscle, Soster said, is to get yourself in a lunge position, with your left leg forward, and your right knee pointing down to the ground. Push your hips forward while keeping your upper body straight, and reach up to the ceiling. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds on each side. Don’t forget to stretch your other major muscle groups as well.


Our take…

Gymnasts do NOT mess around! These people usually start on the high beam before they can walk steady and spend their entire lives swinging around and jumping off of things. What us average fitness buffs need to take note of is their extreme flexibility. Stretch your muscles with lunges, and we also suggest using some yoga routines for a well-rounded regime.


Aug. 8: Track & Field, Women’s 200-Meter Sprint

As Allyson Felix sprints for the gold in the women’s 200-meter dash today, mix up a regular jog with a sprinting workout. All you need is two cones or other markers, about 30 yards apart.

But first, start with a five-minute jog to warm up. “A proper warm-up to increase core temperature, and prepare the leg muscles for activity is 287666827 016dc60fe5 m Start Designing Your Olympic Workout and Go For the Gold! more important in this scenario [sprinting] than any other, due to the high force production by the legs,” Soster said.

When you’re ready to start sprinting, work in a 3:1, rest-to-run ratio. That means if it takes you 10 seconds to get from one cone to the other, you get 30 seconds of rest before it’s time to sprint again. Do 15 sprints for a workout that will earn you a spot in the medals’ ceremony. (Calories burned: 215)


Our take…

To get build up speed for sprint races, use an interval plan- jog then sprint, then walk then run…you get the picture. Change up your speed and make sure to warm up and cool down to avoid injuries!

Aug. 10: Track & Field, Women’s 5K
“Not all of us are trained to run a full 3.2 miles, but that doesn’t mean we can’t complete it,” Soster said.
Instead of taking the full 5-kilometer run at once, break the distance into stages, alternating between five to 10 minutes of moderately-paced 3670974981 c3040ded0f m Start Designing Your Olympic Workout and Go For the Gold! jogging, and two minutes of walking, until you finish the course.
“Interval training not only can help you complete your event, but it has also been found to be more beneficial for weight management than steady-state aerobic training,” Soster said. (Calories burned: 303)

Our take…

If it’s distance over speed you want to train for, alternate walking and jogging- basically, more interval training, but pace yourself to train for a 5K!


Aug. 11: Modern Pentathlon

You’re almost there, and we’ve saved the best for last: The Pentathlon. The Olympic athletes will shoot a pistol, fence, swim, ride a horse, and run, but here is a modified exercise circuit, Soster suggested, that you can do in your own home. Complete the given exercises below, all the way through without stopping:

• Body-weight squats: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, and hands out in front of you for balance, and squat down so your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your weight on your heels, and really push them into the ground. Do 25 reps.
• Side shuffles: Place two cones 10 to 15 yards apart, and shuffle back and forth between them, facing the same direction the whole time. Repeat five times to really hit those gluteus muscles.
• Modified push-ups: Put your hands down a steady object, such as a car hood or the back of a couch, and perform a push-up. The greater the incline of your body, the more difficult the push-up. Keep your abs pulled in tight, and do 25 reps.
• Single-Leg Floor Touches: Stand on your right leg bent at the knee (like a flamingo), and reach down to touch the floor with your left hand, using only a slight bend in the right knee, then return to standing straight. Repeat 15 times on each side.
• Jog in place: To make this jog pentathlon-worthy, get your knees up high and keep your hands above your head — this increases the demand on your core muscles, Soster said. “Empty the tank on this one, dig deep inside to find every ounce of available energy!”


Our take…

Getting ready for a pentathlon? Well, probably not…but with the above routine, you will be! This event is at the apex of strength, speed, and agility. To master this sporting event, you’ll have to have a very well groomed routine that incorporates practically all types of training. We say do 4915790799 3b1e573531 m Start Designing Your Olympic Workout and Go For the Gold! an hour of cardio, then an hour of strength training if you’re just getting started, then work your way up.


Aug. 12: Closing Ceremonies

Congratulations, you made it! As you watch the athletes round the track with their medals, hold your head up high and be proud — you too should feel like an Olympian today.

By now, you should be totally prepared to win the gold! If not, watch the video below for more Olympic workout tips…


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