Most guys I know want to know how to do more pull ups. Well this video by Scooby shows you the workout routine you need to do to be able to do your first pull up and work your way up to at least 8 pull ups.
The pullup is absolutely one of the most important exercises that a
newcomer to fitness can do. Unfortunately, it’s also the most difficult.
Many of you can’t do a single pullup. In this video I’m going to give you a
five-phase program that will help you build up your strength so that you
can do eight solid pullups without a problem. Doesn’t matter whether you’re
a man or a woman, whether you’re 13 or 80, you can do it.
First a quick word about weight. There’s a lot of reasons to lose fat and
get your six-pack out, and I’m about to give you another one. The number
one way to make pullups easier is to lose fat and weigh less. Every pound
of fat is like an anchor, pulling you to the ground. Get rid of that
anchor, and the pullups become so much easier.
If you want to see how to lose fat, please see my video losing fat is easy
as one-two-three, for an easy way to lose body fat.
Before we get started, a quick word about terminology–it’s important. So,
if you do a pullup with your palms facing away from your face like this,
it’s called a pullup. If you do them with your palms facing your face like
this, it’s called a chin-up. And the difference is that this is much more
difficult. A pullup is much more difficult than a chin-up. And we’re going
to use that fact to help you build up to the point where you can do eight
solid pullups.
Now, there’s four methods you can use to go about it. We’re going to use my
favorite, which is the chair method. But if you have access to a gym, you
can use a pull-down machine, or, if you want you can use the partner
training method where a partner lifts you from your knees, or you can use
resistance bands, but as I said, we’re going to do the chair method,
because you can do it safely and easily by yourself.
So, for phase one, we’re going to take our chair and put it under the
pullup bar, behind the pullup bar, actually, and what we’re going to do, as
I said, we’re going to grab an underhand grip, a chin-up, not a pullup,
because this is easier, and then we’re going to walk the plank. We’re going
to step off, tense our muscles, and lower ourselves slowly to the ground,
slow as we can. Then we’re going to walk around, get back up, walk the
plank again, and walk again. Lower yourself as slowly as you can. Walk the
plank. Okay, you’re going to do that eight times.
So that’s it for phase one: you’re going to walk the plank eight times,
you’re going to rest one minute, and then you’re going to do it, four more
sets. So that’ll be five sets total of walking the plank eight times each,
so that’ll be 40 times you’ll walk the plank. And you’re going to do that
every other day, until you can lower yourself really slowly, about this
slow. When you can lower yourself that slowly, then it’s time for phase
Phase two, instead of doing walk the plank with a chin-up, palms facing us,
we’re going to walk the planks with palms away. Here’s what your walk the
planks are going to look like: again, palms away, walk off, down slowly,
slow as you can. Walk around again, do it again. Walk around. And you’re
going to do this eight times. And just as in phase one, you’ll do that
eight times, you’ll rest one minute, and then you’ll do it four more times.
So a total of 40 walk the planks, and you’ll do that every other day, until
you can do this slowly. And when you can do this slowly, it’s time to move
onto phase three.
Phase three we’re going to do something a little more aggressive. First of
all, we’re going to use the chin-up grip the whole time, palms facing our
face, but instead of starting off with walk the planks, we’re going to try
to do a chin-up. So we’re going to grab the bar, and we’re going to do as
much of a chin-up as we can. I don’t care if you can only do half a chin-up
or a quarter, do whatever you can.
Okay, that’s all I can do, let’s say, and now, I’m going to finish up with
walk the planks. So that first one, that first partial chin-up counted as
one and I do seven walk the planks. And that’s it. I’ll take a minute rest
and do it again. I’ll do as many chin-ups as I can, or as much of a chin-up
as I can, and then I’ll do walk the planks for the other seven.
So once again, for phase three what we’re going to do is five sets of eight
reps, a total of 40, but in the first rep, we’re going to do as many chin-
ups as we can: either a partial, or a couple full ones. And you’re going to
do this, again, every other day, until you get to the point where you can
do two chin-ups. Once you can do two chin-ups before you move onto the walk
the planks, it’s time to move onto phase four.
In phase four, we start to get serious. Instead of working out every other
day, we’re only going to have two work outs per week: a Monday workout and
a Thursday workout. The Monday workout’s going to be very similar to what
we’ve been doing. What you’re going to do, it’s all chin-ups, palms facing
you, you’re going to do as many chin-ups as you can, and then you’re going
to walk the plank to get your other reps, until you have eight total. And
then you’re going to rest for one minute, and do it four more times–again,
a total of 40. So that’s very similar to what we’ve been doing.
The Thursday workout in phase four is where we start to get serious and you
get to start experiencing some pain here. What you’re going to do, you’re
going to do a chin-up, and you’re going to do as many chin-ups as you can.
So let’s say I can do two. One, I can do two good ones, and then I start to
struggle. So you’ll go up as far as you can, and then you’ll hold, just
hold. Don’t let yourself fall, just hold, hold as long as you can. Try to
hold it for a minute if you can. Just hold, hold, hold, until you’re dying,
until you think you’re arms are going to fall off, until you think your
lats are going to pop. That’s how long you hold it, and then let yourself
down. Then let yourself rest two minutes, and do it again. Do it a total of
five times. So you’re not going to be doing many reps in your Thursday
workout of phase four, but you’re going to be working your butt off.
So when you get to the point you can eight chin-ups, with good slow form,
then it’s time to move onto phase five, which is out final phase, which
will get you to eight pullups. Again, it’s similar to phase four: there’s
going to be a Monday workout and a Thursday workout. The Monday workout’s
going to be high volume, and the Thursday workout is going to be a killer
low volume. Very similar, except everything is going to be with pullup, we
won’t be doing anything with chin-ups in phase five.
So it’s going to do the same thing: you’re going to do as many pullups as
you can, with good form. So let’s say I can do one, two, this is the Monday
workout, so then we’re going to do walk the planks, lowering yourself as
slowly as you can for eight reps. And then we’ll rest a minute, do that
four more times. Again, a total of 80 reps on the Monday workout of phase
The Thursday workout is where we’re going to have fun again. What we’re
going to do is as many pullups as we can, let’s say I can do two, that’s my
second, and then I can get up to there and I can’t go anymore, and that’s
static hold. Just hold it right there, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold,
hold. Slow as you can. Try to hold it a minute until you quiver and shake,
and your arms are falling off. And then rest two whole minutes and do it
four more times. So that’s the Thursday workout in phase five. And keep
doing that until you can do eight pullups. It’s a good combination of high-
reps on Monday and low-reps and struggle on Thursday, and you’ll get your
eight pullups.
So that’s it for this week, my five-phase program to help you build up
strength so that you can do eight pullups, and remember again, the number
one thing you can do to make pullups easier, is to lose body fat. So work
on that.
Until next week, [inaudible 00:09:38].
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