There are some really though events out there to compete in- marathons, triathlons, and so on…but do you know how to push yourself through the hard parts and make it to the end of the race? Below is an article from an Olympian on how to conquer any problem like a pro.
8 Tricks to Blast Through Any Problem
Think running a marathon’s tough? Try training at a sub-5-minute pace for the Olympics only to pull yourself out of—arguably—the biggest race of your life because of a muscle strain. That’s what happened to 29-year-old U.S. marathoner Ryan Hall. After finishing second at the U.S. trials, he entered the 2012 games as the fastest American marathoner in history, and after a track record of never dropping out of a race, the marathoner added a DNF to his resume.
Here’s the thing: In order to be fast for that long, you have to know how to push yourself the smart way. And Hall does. Now he’s moving on, Tweeting this week, “Forgetting what is behind, straining towards what is ahead” First workout towards NYC marathon. 15k tempo. <!–more–>
So no matter what you’re training for, here are Hall’s eight tips to power through from someone who knows the long haul like the back of his hand.
Put in the time. “I love standing at the start of a race and knowing I’ve done the preparation,” Hall says. And if you’re planning your first marathon, preparation is all about consistency, he adds. Follow Hall’s lead: Get out the door 6 days a week, every week: “consistency makes a huge difference.” (And if you have some extra time, get in a fast strength workout in just three days a week with the new DeltaFit Speed Shred program.)
In order to truly be ready to even make an attempt at competition, you have to put in the training. Without training beforehand you are cut off at the knees before you even begin the event. Develop a training schedule and stick with it no matter what! Set yourself up for success before you ever set a foot on the starting line.
Equipment is vital. Hall’s pick? The Asics Hyperspeed. Fit is essential, and can vary a lot depending on the shape of your foot and the way you run, he says. Be sure to stop by your local running shop—they’ll tell you whether you over- or under-pronate, and what type of shoe will complement your stride. “Being comfortable and confident in your shoe is one of the most important things out there.”
When it comes to running, have the right gear is important- this is in fact true for any sport. No runner is going to succeed wearing flip flops! And if you are not wearing the right type of shoe for you, you might as well be wearing sandals.
Start with your head, finish with your heart. The first few miles of a race are the most difficult, Hall says. “You’re at the start of this super-long journey, and it seems daunting,” he says. To make it to the finish line, focus on one mile at a time, he advises. Make it your goal to finish mile six, and save thoughts of mile 26 for later in the race. “The first 20 miles, you’re running with your head. But in the last 6.2 miles, you’re running with your heart. That’s when you let go and go for it.” Forget about pace and heart rate, and let your body do what feels right.
Finishing the first leg of any competition is the most difficult- this same theory can also be applied to exercise programs. When you look ahead at something and think of how long it is going to take start to finish, it does not seem possible, so get out of your own head!
Think positive. You have to control your mind the same way you control your speed and tempo, Hall says. His move? “I tell myself I’m having the race of my life, even if I’m not.” An Australian researcher team found that focusing on a single positive thought or cue word helped endurance athletes improve their performance, according to a Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology study.
Pep yourself up! Being your own personal cheerleader can mean the difference between finishing and giving up.
Change your focus. Throughout 26.2 miles, something’s bound to ache. Your mind is bound to wander. And Hall admits it: He’s had a lot of rough races. How do you power through? Focus elsewhere. “If my calves are tired, then I’ll focus on my knees and my leg lifts—anything to get my mind off my calves. You can’t let yourself focus on the bad.” It works off the course too: “I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in my life,” he says. The best way to get out of those holes and struggles? Take the focus off yourself and put it on other people. Hall thinks of his wife waiting at the finish line.
This is almost like meditating, but not in a nice quite peaceful environment. Picture yourself finishing the race, your loved ones cheering you on at the finish line instead of focusing on every stride.
Accept the challenge. No matter how much you switch your mindset, let’s be real: Marathons ain’t easy. So when the going gets rough and your body starts to hurt, embrace the pain. Hall says every runner hits “the wall” at some point during a marathon. Focus on one goal and one goal only—finishing—and you won’t believe the sense of accomplishment you feel at the end of the race.
Acknowledge that what you are doing is not easy and embrace the difficulty- after all, if it wasn’t hard, everyone would be doing it.
Share your time. A study from U. of Maryland and Harvard researchers found that those who donate time or money to people in need experience a boost in tenacity and personal strength. Hall says he agrees: “If I can help someone, I feel better about myself and about life. And I draw on that energy when I’m having a difficult race.”
Volunteering can be empowering, if you are experiencing a lack of motivation, do something good for others.
Enjoy the journey. Hyperfocus on your mindset or your training and you’ll burn out, Hall says. His move: Take in the scenery. From Big Sur to Boston, America offers marathoners some truly breathtaking settings to pound pavement. “I get to run in some beautiful places, so I try to take in the crowd and the excitement.”
Competing is not just about bragging rights, it is an experience. Embrace the time you spend training and racing because not everyone gets to experience the thrill of competition.
Here’s a quick video on finding motivation…
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