A Way Of Boosting Your Testosterone Levels Without Taking Steroids? Mmmm, You’ll Excuse Us If We Automatically View This With Suspicion…
Okay, so every serious body builder knows that testosterone is the king of hormones when it comes down to muscle tone. But we also know that it affects far more than your ripped six pack; it affects your mood, your stamina, sex drive and many other aspects of your personality.
And this is why not only body builders and athletes are looking towards testosterone for maximum gains, but also those who simply want to stay fit, eat healthily and work out as the years roll by. Middle age is no longer a place to grow old gracefully – it’s a part of your life where you want to be as physically fit and energetic as you were in your twenties.
And guys – it all boils down to those testosterone levels! But everyone knows how detrimental taking testosterone is for your health, so when the guys at ASR say they’ve discovered a way to boost your testosterone without steroids, then we must admit we were instantly a tad on the cynical side. So we decided to undertake an in-depth look at exactly what Jacked Up is all about.
Read on to find out exactly what we discovered…
What do you get for your money?
Right, so JackedUp is a supplement that professes to raise the levels of testosterone in the body – in a safe, all natural way by harnessing the power of a potent herbal compound. This is done by utilizing a specially prepared extract of a herb found in Malaysia. A herb known as Eurycoma Longifolia (or Tonkat Ali or Longjack for short).
It was discovered many years ago that this plant drastically increased a man’s sex drive, but it’s recently been discovered that it not only raises testosterone levels to an incredible rate, but also builds muscle like crazy.
And what JackedUp is, is a formula harnessing the power of this plant, but combining it with strategically proportions of several other little known stimulating nutriceuticals to create a synergistic effect.
Some of the anecdotal benefits of taking Jacked Up include:
- Stripping off body fat, and building muscle mass and strength up to 177% faster than normal
- Up to 170% increase in testosterone levels, in 45 days or less
- Muscle gains from every single work out – on a consistent and impressive scale
- Increased sex drive. Plus, if you’re ever concerned about your performance in the bedroom department, just 3-4 capsules 45 minutes before “play time,” will keep you going for as long as you want to…
- Muscle strength increases up top 183% in 45 days or less
- No depression of natural testosterone production. Unlike steroids and prohormones, taking Jacked Up does not suppress your body’s natural production of testosterone. What it actually does is boost up the levels…!
- Increased workout intensity – feel your training efforts improve and see gain after gain in both strength and endurance
- Powerful antioxidant. Early results from both the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Malaysian government sponsored agency study have shown that Longjack (one of the active ingredients contained in Jacked Up) is a powerful anti-oxidant. And we all know how important anti-oxidants are for our continued good health…
>>Click Here to Get Jacked Up Now<<
Who is it for?
Okay, so you might just think that Jacked Up is for the Arnies and Stallones of this world. Well, you couldn’t be more wrong… Because whilst this is a great supplement for those who want to build huge amounts of lean muscle, it’s also great for the average “guy on the street’” who just wants to look good into his forties, fifties and beyond.
Not to mention anyone who might be a little concerned about their libido or performance between the sheets. Because Jacked Up will certainly have you revving off the scale when it comes to your actions in that particular department….
Who is Rick Gray?
Rick Gray? You might well not have heard of him, because he’s the quiet brains behind the company ASR Supplements, makers of Jacked Up. And the philosophy behind the set up and all the supplements ASR produce is that they want to provide products that actually do what they promise to.
Rick struggled with muscle gain throughout his younger years, and spent fortunes on supplements that promised the earth but didn’t deliver – not to mention possible health and side effects. And once he discovered that most of the supplements out there were, in his words, “complete crap,” he decided the only thing to do was to create his own. And ASR Supplements was born…
The Pros
- Jacked Up is completely safe to take, and has no nasty side effects that are usually associated with Prohormones.
- The supplement only elevates the levels of testosterone, not estrogen.
- There are no banned substances whatsoever in Jacked Up (or on the list of substances scheduled to be banned). The whole product is produced from all natural, highly effective herbal extracts.
- Jacked Up can help restore natural testosterone levels after an anabolic steroid cycle, as well as helping the body not go through the typical “post cycle crash.”
- Jacked Up is 100% guaranteed to give you increased testosterone levels, and all the advantages that brings, or you get 100% of your money back. In fact, ASR Supplements are so convinced that they offer a 60 day, no quibble guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied.
>>Click Here to Get Jacked Up Now<<
The Cons
- Okay, so if you’re thinking that taking Jacked Up will be a miracle pill that’ll get you ripped and lose fat without putting in any extra effort, then you’re looking for something that doesn’t exist, buddy. But what it will do is raise those testosterone levels so you can workout in the way you did in your early twenties. And of course, the increased sex drive effect is just an added bonus, wouldn’t you say…?
The Bottom Line
Well, it’s a refreshing change to actually see a product on the market that does exactly what it says on the label. As well as being 100% safe to take, and containing no banned substances whatsoever.
Body builders, athletes and general fitness all-rounders alike can all benefit from taking Jacked Up. And in our humble opinion, it ought to be something the doctors should be telling us guys to take once we hit our thirties and beyond… After all, who wants to remain fit, sexy and a love god forever…? That’s right – we all do! And with the money back guarantee that comes with Jacked Up, that makes trying it a bit of a no-brainer, as far as we’re concerned.
Yep, Jacked Up definitely gets the thumbs up from us. And if you don’t try it, then you’ll never know if it could’ve had the same effects for you. In a nutshell…. We love it!
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