A Simple Method To Increase Your Testosterone Levels And Therefore Your Metabolism – Despite Getting Older… Come On, You Can’t Fight The Marching Of The Years Now, Can You…?
Well, we all know that in many instances getting older sucks… And never so much so in the fact that your metabolism slows down with every passing years. After all, how many guys in their 30s, 40s or 50s end up working out far harder than they did in their 20s but still can’t manage to ditch that stubborn last layer of lard that clings lovingly to the most intimate parts of the body…
Drives you crazy, eh! So when Dan Robey released what he claims is the answer to this problem – The Complete Testosterone Solution – it’s no wonder that it’s ended up rocking through the world of fitness.
But does it actually work? Or is it simply a method of transferring your hard earned cash from your clutches into the coffers of Mr. Robeys? We decided to find out, because there’s nothing we like more than to uncover whether a program such as The Complete Testosterone Solution really is all it’s cracked up to be, or should be one that you allow to pass you by. [wplapdance name=”CTS”]
Read on to discover exactly what we uncovered…
What do you get for your money?
Right then, so what The Complete Testosterone Solution is based on is that it’s been scientifically proven that today’s man has far lower testosterone levels than in the past. And this only serves to drop more as each decade passes.
Hard to stomach? Perhaps, but it’s this information that’s sent shock waves through the world of fitness on the programs release. And, more importantly, it’s the reason why losing fat as you age becomes progressively more difficult as your metabolism slows down.
The Complete Testosterone System is the method used by celebrity trainers who work with Hollywood movie stars, NFL and NBA players and others who seem to be able to cheat the passage of the years. What you get is an e-book and mobile training portal that provides a training regime that’s quite different from the mainstream fitness industry.
- Celebrity Trainers to your smart phone or tablet: Meaning you can take your own ‘trainer’ with you to the gym (or use for a home session) for each and every workout, and train in the method that’s produced ‘super bodies’ such as The Rock, and other to die for techniques…
- Advanced fat burning and muscle building techniques: That have, up until now, only been available for those who can afford the services of Billy Beck III, celebrity trainer who provides fitness and workout advice to the rich and famous
- Advanced diet and nutrition: Because there’s no point in working out in the correct manner unless you provide your body with the fuel necessary to boost that testosterone and ensure that you break down fat for energy, not muscle.
- Supplementation and anti-aging formulas: Such as the ones that only the million dollar contract NFL and NBA players, not to mention movie stars, are privy to knowing.
All of this is sent to your mobile device for your training sessions. You get the services of celebrity trainer, Billy Beck III each and every day for your own personal training session. And because you have it saved on your tablet or smart phone, it doesn’t matter where or when you want to work out, your very own movie star trainer is there and ready to start exactly when you are…
But that’s not all…! You also get The Complete Testosterone Solution e-book written by fitness author, Dan Robey and Research Scientist, Dr. James Pendleton. What this does is actually take you inside The University of Testosterone training portal, for the inside story on how the celebs workout. You get valuable information from some of the world’s top personal trainers (ones you normally charge around $500 an hour!!!), but you get their services 24/7, thanks to The Complete Testosterone Solution.
Who is it for?
One of the best things about The Complete Testosterone Solution is that it doesn’t matter what shape you’re in when you start. If you want to lose 10lbs or 100lbs, what you get is your own virtual personal trainer who leads you through each and every workout that will tone, build muscle, and literally pummel you into the shape that you’ve always dreamed of being. Plus, it isn’t half bad to be able to tell your friends that you’re training in the methods of guys like The Rock! And not only that, with the very same trainer….
Who is Billy Beck III?
So, one of the celebrity trainers you get to your mobile device is none other than the guy who trained The Rock for five long years… Featured no less than a dozen times on the cover of Men’s Health magazine, Mr. Beck really
is a force to be reckoned with in the health and fitness industry. And you don’t get to charge celebrity prices and to train movie stars and pro-athletes without getting the results. Training with Billy Beck III is guaranteed to get you the results you desire, and the body you’ve only ever dreamed of getting in the past (as long as you get with the program, naturally).
The Pros
- The Complete Testosterone Solution is a well-rounded, whole diet and fitness program. Unlike other seemingly similar offerings, this covers every single aspect of your fitness goal. Training, nutrition, supplements, rest – they’re all essential parts of your training regime, and none works in isolation. You need all corners covered to get the fast results you crave.
- We really like the inside info you get on nutrition. Because one of the main reasons testosterone levels in men today are so low is because of the foods we eat. But by cutting these out of your diet for good, you can ensure that this 21st century plague doesn’t affect you – and boost your fat burning and muscle building in the process.
- Because everything to do with The Complete Testosterone Solution is online, you can access all you need at any time of the day or night, wherever you may be. After all, who needs to carry a heavy book around with them when you already have your phone or tablet? It really is 21st century training made easy…
- Plus, increasing your testosterone not only gives you the training results you need, but protects your prostate and – here’s the crunch – improves your libido and performance in bed! And that’s an added side effect that no-one minds getting…
The Cons
- Okay, so it all sounds fabulous. But you do have to follow the program to get the results. If you’re looking for a miracle cure then you’d best move along, because as far as we know, there are no ways to get the body to
die for without putting in a fair amount of work. But, and this is the crunch, the great thing about The Complete Testosterone Solution is that this really is the fast track way to the body to die for. And when you add in all the health benefits as well, then giving this baby a try is pretty much a no brainer, in our humble opinion…
The Bottom Line
Well, we have to give it to the guys. Because we looooove The Complete Testosterone Solution. It’s so refreshing to see a complete program, and not one that just concentrates on the workouts or the nutrition. Because, let’s face it, you have to treat your body as a complete package. And The Complete Testosterone Solution does just that.
And because it’s digital, there’s no shipping fees and you get instant access to the whole thing, and you can start the journey to your new body immediately.
For anyone who’s serious about losing weight, gaining muscle and improving their health, it’s definitely worth giving The Complete Testosterone Solution a try. The 21st century answer to a very 21st century problem…